Texas Caviar-The Best!


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2 c. sugar
2 tsp. salt

2 tsp. water
1 tsp. white pepper
1 1/2 c. apple cider vinegar
1 c. vegetable oil

Place all ingredients above in a sauce pan and bring to a boil. Let cook for about 3-4 minutes, stirring constantly and making sure sugar is dissolved. Take off the heat and let cool to room temperature.

1 small red onion, chopped
2 c. celery, chopped small
1 bell red pepper, diced small
1 bell green pepper, diced small
1 bell orange pepper, diced small
2 cans Shoepeg corn
2 cans black beans, rinsed and drained
2 cans regular corn, rinsed and drained

Add cooled liquid to the vegetables. Store in refrigerator overnight.  Drain, and then serve with chips, or crackers or Scoops.  If there are any leftovers, and in most instances there won't be, you can store in fridge for up to a week...  (You can also cut the recipe in half, but you'll be surprised how fast in disappears!